Cloud update: Free Let’s Encrypt SSLs now supported
We’re excited to announce the availability of Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificates; the fast simple and free way to protect websites hosted on our Cloud Hosting platform. In this post we look at everything you need to know about Let’s Encrypt and why now it’s more urgent than ever to make the move to https;
What you need to know about Let’s Encrypt
Let’s Encrypt is a free, automated and open certificate authority which provides domain-validated security certificates. Run by Internet Security Research Group (ISRG) Let’s Encrypts primary goal is to create a more secure and privacy-respecting web by making https more accessible and user friendly.
Here’s how Let’s Encrypt Certificates work:
- It’s free
- Easy installation
- Enables https
- Domain validated
- Trusted by major browsers
- Renews automatically every 90 days
What is https
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS), unlike its http counterpart is a communications protocol which provides a secure connection between a site and a visitor’s web browser, meaning any data shared is encrypted and safe from prying eyes.
Why it’s more important than ever to move to https
For security and Google.
First and foremost, https makes your website secure for your users. If your website does not use https, data sent between it and your users can potentially be intercepted, monitored or even altered by a 3rd party as it traverses the internet.
Security is a top priority for Google and back in August 2016 they announced https would to be used as a ranking single to encourage webmaster to use encryption. Continuing their mission for a safer web, from this month Google will highlight all sites which collect passwords and credit card data without https encryption as ‘Non-secure’ to visitors. You can learn more about this update [here.](https://security.googleblog.com/2016/09/moving-towards-more-secure-web.html target=)
To avoid penalties we recommend you make the move to https as soon as possible. We’ve created a short guide to show you how to enable https with Let’s Encrypt on a site hosted on our Cloud platform.
Installing a Let’s Encrypt Certificate
Head to your Cloud control panel now to install a Let’s Encrypt Certificate in just a few click. We’ve made it simple to install an Let’s Encrypt SSL with instructions within the panel, but to ensure installation goes without a glitch, we’ve also created a step by step guide.