Cyber Monday Sale - VPS,Hosting,Domains,Website.
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Cyber Monday Sale

Following on from our Black Friday event last week, today we have discounts across our site for Cyber Monday, the busiest online shopping day of the year! For 24 hours only, you can save up to 60% off products marked down here on our site.

Products marked down:

  • Buy a Standard SSL for £24.99 (50% off*) just in time for the big run up to Christmas. An SSL Certificate facilitates a secure connection with site visitors and verifies your online identity. An SSL is a must have for e-commerce stores that deal with financial payments and sensitive data.

  • Hunting for a great domain before the new year? Register .CO and .ME domains for just £9.99* - a whopping 60% saving - and get 50% off any available .INFO domain.

  • And for one day only, purchase a managed dedicated server with a one-time 15% saving* - that’s up to £988.35 off the standard price.

All deals will run until 10am tomorrow (Tuesday), don’t miss out on a bargain this Cyber Monday!

*Terms & Conditions of these promotions are available on the corresponding pages
