Magento Security Patch Released - Install Now - VPS,Hosting,Domains,Website.
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Magento Security Patch Released - Install Now

Magento has released a security patch that addresses 4 security issues that have been brought to light through their comprehensive security program. We highly recommended that you install the necessary security patch as soon as possible in order to protect your store. Security patches are available for both Magento Community and Magento Enterprise Editions.

Once installed, this patch will protect your store from two issues related to APIs and two cross-site scripting risks. You can flearm more about these issues here Although, there are currently no confirmed reports of attacks related to these issues it’s imperative that you keep your installation up to date.

Applying The Security Patches to Your Site

To take effect, this patch requires all previous patches to be downloaded and applied to your installation. If possible, have your developer test the patch works as expected on a test environment before deploying it on your production site.

Community Edition Merchants:

Patches for earlier versions of Community Edition can be found on the Community Edition download page, alongside the most recent patch (SUPEE-6482). Alternatively, you can upgrade your installation today to the latest Community Edition and receive the security fixes as part of the core code.

Enterprise Edition Merchants:

Go to 'My Account', select the 'Downloads' tab, and then navigate to 'Magento Enterprise Edition' > 'Support Patches'. Look for the folder titled “Security Patches – August 2015.” Merchants can also upgrade to Enterprise Edition and receive the security fixes as part of the core code.

If you have any questions regarding this security issue, or would like assistance in applying this patch to your store, please get in touch.
