Cloud Enhancement: Password Change Required Every 30 Days - VPS,Hosting,Domains,Website.
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Cloud Enhancement: Password Change Required Every 30 Days

Data security is always at the top of our priority list. To help protect you and your customers we have introduced a rotating salt that significantly increases password security. A new password page has also been introduced, meaning all Cloud hostingcustomers will be required to change their log-in details every 30 days.****

With password security fresh in your mind, it gives us the perfect opportunity to offer you best practices on how best to safeguard your sensitive data from hackers.

Make Your Password Complex

With password required to gain access to almost every element of our online life, it's all too tempting to select a simple password that's easy to remember and then apply it across multiple accounts. However, the less predictable and more complex your password is, the more difficult it is for hackers and their sophisticated tools to decipher your password. To boost the strength of your passwords select a complicated random string of 10 or more characters; typically passwords are case sensitive so use a mixture of upper and lower characters, symbols and numbers .

Unique Password, Unique Account

It is tempting to use the same password for multiple accounts, but doing this leaves your accounts increasingly more vulnerable. Once a fraudster obtains a password from a website with very little security, they often try and use it to gain access to more secure environments, such as online banking accounts. Use a unique password for each and every online account to protect yourself from being a repeat victim.

When choosing a secure password avoid the following basic pitfalls:

  • Words spelt backwards, common misspellings and abbreviated words.
  • Personal references to birthdays, pets, siblings and the names of your spouses and parents. In today's sharing culture if someone wants to find out your pets name, they can!
  • Sequences, repeated characters and common character to symbol interpretations. (abc123, adjacent keyboard keys, 'at' - '@')
